About Benoit Schmitlin

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So far Benoit Schmitlin has created 45 blog entries.

Développeur Back-End – Python

Développeur full-stack au sein de l’équipe ingénierie logicielle, vous serez responsable de la conception d’un ensemble de fonctionnalités ambitieuses dans le domaine de la télémédecine. Ce poste demandera une vraie maîtrise technologique backend pour résoudre des challenges de pointe comme la réplication de bases de données médicales sur des liens satellitaires non garantis, une culture DevOps applicable à des services Cloud médicaux et outillages de développements modernes. Vous aurez un impact direct sur le développement du diagnostic à distance synchrone et asynchrone en France et dans le monde.

Compétences indispensables :

  • Python 3
  • JavaScript (ES6, patterns de développement asynchrones, node.js est un plus)
  • Familiarité avec les problématiques backend de performance, sécurité, synchronisation client-serveur
  • Méthodologies et outillage d’automatisation de tests (tests unitaires, navigateurs headless, …)
  • Développement et consommation de Web services REST
  • Maitrise shell et administration Linux

Compétences supplémentaires appréciées :

  • Machine learning et design de systèmes experts
  • Connaissance de React ou un framework MVC front-end
  • Applications mobiles hybrides : Cordova/phonegap, react native
  • Application Front-End Webs riches (nwjs/electron)
  • C++ , Rust, Java (Android), Swift/Objective-C
  • Connaissances WebRTC et VoIP
  • Graphiques et visualisation web (d3, highcharts, canvas, …)
  • IoT, object connectés
  • Expérience réglementaire ou médicale, HL7, DICOM

Qualités recherchées :

  • Expérience dans l’industrialisation de produits et services (qualité, documentation…)
  • Culture DevOps
  • Curieux, et aimant l’émulation au sein de petites équipes pluridisciplinaires
  • Un bon niveau de communication technique en français et anglais
  • Esprit positif, un challenge est pour vous une motivation et non une angoisse
  • Expérience dans l’industrialisation de produits et services (qualité, documentation…)

  • Culture DevOps

  • Curieux, et aimant l’émulation au sein de petites équipes pluridisciplinaires

  • Un bon niveau de communication

  • Esprit positif, un challenge est pour vous une motivation et non une angoisse

By |2021-07-21T12:46:40+02:00July 23rd, 2019|Categories: Recruitment|Comments Off on Développeur Back-End – Python

Développeur JavaScript Front-End / Back-End

Au sein de l’équipe ingénierie logicielle et produit, vous serez responsable de la conception, de la réalisation et de la maintenance des back-ends, front-ends et applications mobiles d’un ensemble de produits applicatifs, mobiles et de certains projets clients spécifiques.

Compétences attendues :

  • Javascript (ecma 6, nodejs, patterns de développement asynchrones)
  • Librairies : jquery, underscore, socket.io
  • Websockets et SSE
  • Graphiques et visualisation web (d3, highcharts, canvas, …)
  • html5/css3 ; responsive et fluid design
  • Méthodologies et outillage d’automatisation de tests (tests unitaires, navigateurs headless, …)
  • La connaissance d’un framework MVC front-end est un plus (Angular, React, Backbone, Mithril, Ember, …)
  • Applications mobiles hybrides : Cordova/phonegap, ionic framework
  • Application Front-End Webs riches (node-webkit/atom-shell/…)
  • Connaissances de WebRTC appréciées
  • Anglais technique
  • Expérience dans l’industrialisation de produits et services (qualité, documentation, tests, packaging, …)

  • Culture DevOps

  • Curieux, et aimant l’émulation au sein de petites équipes pluridisciplinaires

  • Un bon niveau de communication

  • Esprit positif, un challenge est pour vous une motivation et non une angoisse

By |2021-07-21T12:47:38+02:00July 22nd, 2019|Categories: Recruitment|Comments Off on Développeur JavaScript Front-End / Back-End

PARSYS Telemedicine was at the Paris Healthcare Week 2016 with ERGOTRON

From the 24th to the 26th of May 2016, PARSYS Telemedicine presents its telemedicine solution on the stand of its partner ERGOTRON at the Paris Healthcare Week 2016.

Stand Ergotron 2016

logo_parishealthcare_weekThe Paris Healthcare Week is the French-speaking countries leading event dedicated to technologies, equipment and solutions to manage healthcare facilities.

Organized by PG Promotion on behalf of the French hospital Federation, the Paris Healthcare Week has taken place from the 24th to the 26th of May 2016 in Paris Expo, Paris, France.

The event attracted nearly 30,000 experts, decision makers and healthcare professionals involved in building, equipping, connecting and managing healthcare facilities.

The 2016 Paris Healthcare Week hosted HopitalExpo, GerontHandicapExpo, Health-ITExpo, Intermeditech, and other partner events.

Visitors were able to discover our telemedicine solution on an ERGOTRON medical cart directly on the stand of our partner.

By |2016-05-30T14:54:16+02:00May 30th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on PARSYS Telemedicine was at the Paris Healthcare Week 2016 with ERGOTRON


Remote 2016

16 – 17 February 2016

The Westin Hotel Abu Dhabi Golf Resort & Spa, UAE

mining    oil_rig    soldiersmilitary_desert

 Stand: Atlas Medical L.L.C.


Remote Healthcare Middle East, taking place 16-17 February 2016 at The Westin Abu Dhabi,  is the region’s only event dedicated to improving healthcare access, effectiveness and technologies for remote, austere and extreme environments.

Featuring a dedicated conference and exhibition, Remote Healthcare Middle East will unite 200+ key decision makers within the remote, military, oil & gas and mining fields.

Come and meet us during the show on our joint stand with ATLAS Medical

By |2016-02-15T11:29:53+01:00February 15th, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on PARSYS Telemedicine at REMOTE HEALTHCARE MIDDLE EAST 2016

PARSYS Telemedicine at ARAB HEALTH 2016

Arab Health 2015

25 – 28 January 2016

Dubaï International Convention & Exhibition Centre, UAE

Stand n° SAF 10

Plan 2016

ARAB HEALTH is the Arab world’s most comprehensive trade show presenting the latest in Medical Technology, Commodities and consumer goods for hospitals, Laboratory Equipment, Diagnostics, Physiotherapy and Orthopedic technology, , Information and communication technology in healthcare, Medical disposables, Healthcare building technology and such others. With medical as well as hospitality professionals converging at the fair to check out on the latest devices and procedures that can revolutionize surgical as well as medical processes, the fair provides an opportunity for exhibitors from around the world to present their products to some of the world’s most moneyed men who would willing lap up technologically superior products for their healthcare facilities. A common ground for medical experts as well as business head honchos, this fair is one of the largest shows in the Middle East.

2015 Edition:

  • 87.454 visitors from 142 countries
  • 3.900 exhibitors from 70 countries
  • more than 30 national pavilions

Come and meet us during the show on our joint stand with ATLAS Medical

N° SAF 10.

By |2016-01-20T15:12:41+01:00January 20th, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on PARSYS Telemedicine at ARAB HEALTH 2016

PARSYS Telemedicine at HIT 2015

Logo SSA 2014

19 – 21 May 2015

Once again PARSYS Telemedicine is at the event “Salons de la Santé et de l’Autonomie” in Paris.

Stand Parsys Télémédecine - HIT 2015

Come and meet us during the show on our stand in the ASIPAG and Silver Valley Village.

By |2015-05-19T13:00:51+02:00May 19th, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on PARSYS Telemedicine at HIT 2015

PARSYS Telemedicine at ARAB HEALTH 2015

Arab Health 2015

26 – 29 January 2015

Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre, UAE

Stand n° CA49

Stand n° CA49

ARAB HEALTH is the Arab world’s most comprehensive trade show presenting the latest in Medical Technology, Commodities and consumer goods for hospitals, Laboratory Equipment, Diagnostics, Physiotherapy and Orthopedic technology, , Information and communication technology in healthcare, Medical disposables, Healthcare building technology and such others. With medical as well as hospitality professionals converging at the fair to check out on the latest devices and procedures that can revolutionize surgical as well as medical processes, the fair provides an opportunity for exhibitors from around the world to present their products to some of the world’s most moneyed men who would willing lap up technologically superior products for their healthcare facilities. A common ground for medical experts as well as business head honchos, this fair is one of the largest shows in the Middle East.

2014 Edition:

  • 87.454 visitors from 142 countries
  • 3.700 exhibitors from 70 countries
  • more than 30 national pavilions

Come and meet us during the show on our stand n° CA49.

By |2015-01-23T20:20:09+01:00January 23rd, 2015|Categories: News|Comments Off on PARSYS Telemedicine at ARAB HEALTH 2015
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